Goma User Manual#
- Introduction
- Background Information
- Code Structure and I/O
- Problem Description (Input File)
- File Specification
- General Specifications
- Time Integration Specifications
- Level Set Specifications
- Fill Subcycle
- Fill Weight Function
- Level Set Interface Tracking
- Level Set Semi_Lagrange
- Level Set Subgrid Integration Depth
- Level Set Subelement Integration
- Level Set Adaptive Integration
- Level Set Adaptive Order
- Overlap Quadrature Points
- Level Set PSPP Filtering
- Level Set Length Scale
- Level Set Initialize
- Level Set Adaptive Mesh
- Level Set Adapt Width
- Level Set Adapt Inner Size
- Level Set Adapt Outer Size
- Level Set Adapt Frequency
- Level Set Initialization Method
- Level Set Periodic Planes
- Level Set Control Width
- Level Set Timestep Control
- Level Set Renormalization Tolerance
- Level Set Renormalization Method
- Level Set Renormalization Frequency
- Restart Time Integration After Renormalization
- Level Set Reconstruction Method
- Level Set Contact Extension
- Level Set Slave Surface
- Ignore Level Set Dependencies
- Force Initial Level Set Renormalization
- Phase Field Specifications
- Turbulence Specifications
- Continuation Specifications
- Hunting Specifications
- Augmenting Conditions Specifications
- Solver Specifications
- Strong Boundary Condition Replace Equation
- Strong Boundary Condition Penalty
- Total Number of Matrices
- Solution Algorithm
- Matrix Storage Format
- Stratimikos File
- Preconditioner
- Matrix Subdomain Solver
- Matrix Scaling
- Matrix Residual Norm Type
- Matrix Output Type
- Matrix Factorization Reuse
- Matrix Graph Fillin
- Matrix Factorization Overlap
- Matrix Overlap Type
- Matrix Auxiliary Vector
- Matrix Drop Tolerance
- Matrix Polynomial Order
- Matrix Reorder
- Matrix Factorization Save
- Matrix ILUT Fill Factor
- Matrix RILU Relax Factor
- Matrix BILU Threshold
- Matrix Relative Threshold
- Matrix Absolute Threshold
- Size of Krylov Subspace
- Orthogonalization
- Maximum Linear Solve Iterations
- Number of Newton Iterations
- Modified Newton Tolerance
- Jacobian Reform Time Stride
- Newton line search type
- Newton Correction Factor
- Normalized Residual Tolerance
- Normalized Correction Tolerance
- Residual Ratio Tolerance
- Residual Relative Tolerance
- Pressure Stabilization
- Pressure Stabilization Scaling
- Pressure Stabilization Disable Tau Sens
- Pressure Stabilization Lagged Tau
- SUPG Disable Tau Sens
- Lagged Tau
- Use AutoDiff Assembly
- Linear Stability
- Filter Concentration
- Disable Viscosity Sensitivities
- Eigensolver Specifications
- Electromagnetic Problem Properties
- Boundary Condition Specifications
- Number of BC
- Category 1: Any Equation
- Category 2: Mesh Equations
- Category 3: Real Solid Equations
- Category 4: Fluid Momentum Equations
- Category 5: Energy Equations
- Category 6: Mass Equations
- Category 7: Continuity Equation
- Category 8: Porous Equations
- Category 9: Stress Equations
- Category 10: Gradient Equations
- Category 11: Shear Rate Equation
- Category 12: Fill Equation
- Category 13: Potential Equation
- Category 14: Fluid-Solid Interaction
- Category 15: Level Set Interfaces
- Category 16: Shell Equations
- Category 17: Acoustic Equations
- Category 18: Turbulence Equations
- Rotation Specifications
- Problem Description
- Number of Materials
- Coordinate System
- Element Mapping
- Mesh Motion
- Number of Bulk Species
- Material is Nondilute
- Number of Bulk Species Equations
- Default Material Species Type
- Number of Viscoelastic Modes
- Number of Matrices
- Disable time step control
- Normalized Residual Tolerance
- Residual Relative Tolerance
- Number of EQ
- energy
- momentum
- pmomentum
- stress
- shear_rate
- species_bulk
- mesh
- mom_solid
- continuity
- fill
- lagr_mult_1, lagr_mult_2, lagr_mult_3
- level set
- voltage
- efield
- enorm
- shear_rate
- vort_dir
- vort_lambda
- porous_sat
- porous_unsat
- porous_liq
- porous_gas
- porous_deform
- porous_energy
- surf_charge
- shell_tension
- shell_curvature
- shell_angle
- shell_diff_flux
- shell_diff_curv
- shell_normal
- shell_surf_curv
- shell_surf_div_v
- grad_v_dot_n1, grad_v_dot_n2, grad_v_dot_n3
- n_dot_curl_v
- acous_preal
- acous_pimag
- acous_reyn_stress
- potential1
- potential2
- lubp
- lubp_2
- shell_energy
- shell_filmp
- shell_filmh
- shell_partc
- shell_sat_closed
- shell_sat_gasn
- shell_sat_open
- shell_sat_open_2
- shell_deltah
- moment
- Post Processing Specifications
- Stream Function
- Streamwise Normal Stress
- Cross-Stream Shear Rate
- Mean Shear Rate
- Pressure Contours
- Fill Contours
- Concentration Contours
- Stress Contours
- First Invariant of Strain
- Second Invariant of Strain
- Third Invariant of Strain
- Velocity Divergence
- Particle Velocity Divergence
- Total Velocity Divergence
- Electric Field
- Electric Field Magnitude
- Enormsq Field
- Enormsq Field Norm
- Viscosity
- Density
- Lame MU
- Von Mises Strain
- Von Mises Stress
- Navier Stokes Residuals
- Moving Mesh Residuals
- Mass Diffusion Vectors
- Diffusive Mass Flux Vectors
- Mass Fluxlines
- Energy Conduction Vectors
- Energy Fluxlines
- Time Derivatives
- Mesh Stress Tensor
- Real Solid Stress Tensor
- Mesh Strain Tensor
- Viscoplastic Def_Grad Tensor
- Lagrangian Convection
- Normal and Tangent Vectors
- Error ZZ Velocity
- Error ZZ Heat Flux
- Error ZZ Pressure
- User-Defined Post Processing
- Porous Saturation
- Total Density of Solvents in Porous Media
- Density of Solvents in Gas Phase in Porous Media
- Density of Liquid Phase in Porous Media
- Gas Phase Darcy Velocity in Porous Media
- Liquid Phase Darcy Velocity in Porous Media
- Capillary Pressure in Porous Media
- Grid Peclet Number in Porous Media
- SUPG Velocity in Porous Media
- Vorticity Vector
- Map Conf Stress
- Viscous Stress
- Fluid Stress
- Post Processing Fluxes and Data
- Post Processing Particle Traces
- Volumetric Integration
- Average post processing
- Material Files
- Physical Properties
- Mechanical Properties and Constitutive Equations
- Solid Constitutive Equation
- Plasticity Equation
- Convective Lagrangian Velocity
- Lame MU
- Stress Free Solvent Vol Frac
- Solid Thermal Expansion
- Solid Reference Temperature
- Plastic Viscosity
- EVP Yield Stress
- Polymer Viscosity
- Pseudo-Solid Lame MU
- Pseudo-Solid Lame LAMBDA
- Liquid Constitutive Equation
- Viscosity
- Low Rate Viscosity
- Power Law Exponent
- High Rate Viscosity
- Time Constant
- Aexp
- Thermal Exponent
- Thermal WLF Constant2
- Yield Stress
- Yield Exponent
- Suspension Maximum Packing
- Suspension Species Number
- Cure Gel Point
- Cure A Exponent
- Cure B Exponent
- Cure Species Number
- Unreacted Gel Temperature
- Polymer Constitutive Equation
- PTT Form
- Polymer Stress Formulation
- Polymer Weight Function
- Polymer Shift Function
- Polymer Weighting
- Polymer Shock Capturing
- Discontinuous Jacobian Formulation
- Adaptive Viscosity Scaling
- Polymer Viscosity
- Polymer Time Constant
- Polymer Yield Stress
- Mobility Parameter
- PTT Xi parameter
- PTT Epsilon parameter
- Surface Tension
- Spalart Allmaras Weight Function
- Second Level Set Conductivity
- Level Set Interface Conductivity Interpolation Method
- Second Level Set Density
- Level Set Interface Density Interpolation Method
- Second Level Set Heat Capacity
- Level Set Interface Heat Capacity Interpolation Method
- Second Level Set Viscosity
- Level Set Interface Viscosity Interpolation Method
- Shell Bending Stiffness
- Thermal Properties
- Electrical Properties
- Acoustic Properties
- Microstructure Properties
- Media Type
- Porosity
- Permeability
- Liquid phase compressibility
- Liquid phase reference pressure
- Flowing Liquid Viscosity
- Inertia Coefficient
- Capillary Network Stress
- Rel Gas Permeability
- Rel Liq Permeability
- Saturation
- Porous Weight Function
- Porous Mass Lumping
- Porous Diffusion Constitutive Equation
- Porous Gas Diffusivity
- Porous Latent Heat Vaporization
- Porous Latent Heat Fusion
- Porous Vapor Pressure
- Porous Liquid Volume Expansion
- Porous Gas Constants
- Species Properties
- Number of Species
- Diffusion Constitutive Equation
- Species Weight Function
- Species Shock Capturing
- Number of Chemical Reactions
- Reaction Rate
- Thermodynamic Potential
- Interfacial Area
- Butler_Volmer_j
- Butler_Volmer_ij
- Solution Temperature
- Porosity
- Diffusivity
- Shear Rate Diffusivity
- Viscosity Diffusivity
- Curvature Diffusivity
- Fickian Diffusivity
- Gravity-based Diffusivity
- Q Tensor Diffusivity
- Species Time Integration
- Advective Scaling
- Latent Heat Vaporization
- Latent Heat Fusion
- Vapor Pressure
- Species Volume Expansion
- Standard State Chemical Potential
- Pure Species Chemical Potential
- Chemical Potential
- Reference Concentration
- Molecular Weight
- Specific Volume
- Molar Volume
- Charge Number
- Non-condensable Molecular Weight
- Non-volatile Molar Volume
- Non-volatile Specific Volume
- Flory-Huggins parameters
- Source Terms
- Navier-Stokes Source
- Second Level Set Momentum Source
- Level Set Interface Momentum Source Interpolation Method
- Solid Body Source
- Mass Source
- Heat Source
- Level Set Interface Heat Source Interpolation Method
- Species Source
- Level Set Interface Species Source Interpolation Method
- Current Source
- Moment Source
- Initialize
- Shell Equation Properties and Models
- Upper Height Function Constants
- Lower Height Function Constants
- Upper Velocity Function Constants
- Lower Velocity Function Constants
- Upper Contact Angle
- Lower Contact Angle
- Lubrication Fluid Source
- Lubrication Momentum Source
- Turbulent Lubrication Mode
- Shell Energy Source QCONV
- Shell Energy Source Sliding Contact
- Shell Energy Source Viscous Dissipation
- Shell Energy Source External
- FSI Deformation Model
- Film Evaporation Model
- Disjoining Pressure Model
- Diffusion Coefficient Model
- Porous Shell Radius
- Porous Shell Height
- Porous Shell Closed Porosity
- Porous Shell Closed Gas Pressure
- Porous Shell Atmospheric Pressure
- Porous Shell Reference Pressure
- Porous Shell Cross Permeability
- Porous Shell Gas Diffusivity
- Porous Shell Gas Temperature Constant
- Porous Shell Henrys Law Constant
- Moment Properties
- References
- Appendix 1: Goma Documentation Lists