Standard State Chemical Potential#

Standard State Chemical Potential = CONSTANT <integer> <float>

Description / Usage#

This card sets the standard state chemical potential of a species, <integer>, in the current material to a specified value, <float>. Currently, only the generic CONSTANT model is implemented. However, extensions to polynomial expressions in the temperature are easily implemented and forthcoming.


Model name for the standard chemical state chemical potential model.

  • <species> - an integer designating the species equation.

  • <float> - the value of the chemical potential

The standard state chemical potential, μk, o(T) , which is defined to be only a function of the temperature, is used in the evaluation of the definition of the pure species chemical potential of species k, μk (T, P) , which in turn is used in the evaluation of the mixture chemical potential of species k, μk(T, P, Xi) .


The following is a sample input card:

Standard State Chemical Potential = CONSTANT 0 1.0

Technical Discussion#

The values in this card are currently only applicable to the IS_EQUIL_PSEUDORXN boundary condition.


No References.