Standard State Chemical Potential#
Standard State Chemical Potential = CONSTANT <integer> <float>
Description / Usage#
This card sets the standard state chemical potential of a species, <integer>, in the current material to a specified value, <float>. Currently, only the generic CONSTANT model is implemented. However, extensions to polynomial expressions in the temperature are easily implemented and forthcoming.
Model name for the standard chemical state chemical potential model.
The standard state chemical potential, μk, o(T) , which is defined to be only a function of the temperature, is used in the evaluation of the definition of the pure species chemical potential of species k, μk (T, P) , which in turn is used in the evaluation of the mixture chemical potential of species k, μk(T, P, Xi) .
The following is a sample input card:
Standard State Chemical Potential = CONSTANT 0 1.0
Technical Discussion#
The values in this card are currently only applicable to the IS_EQUIL_PSEUDORXN boundary condition.
No References.