Number of BC#
Number of BC = <integer>
Description / Usage#
This required card indicates how many boundary condition (BC) cards are contained in the Problem Description File. The single input parameter is defined as
- <integer>
The number of BC cards that follow.
If <integer> is set to -1, Goma will automatically count the number of BC cards between the Number of BC card and the End of BC card. This latter usage is generally preferred if a large number of BCs are to be specified.
Following is a sample card, indicating that there are two BC cards that follow this card.
Number of BC = 2
Technical Discussion#
If there are more BC cards listed in an input deck than specified on this card, Goma ignores the extras; in other words, only the first <integer> cards are read by Goma. If the number of BCs is fewer than the amount specified by <integer>, Goma will stop with an error.
Also note, that if more than one BC on the same variable is specified, only the last one is applied.