Gas Phase Darcy Velocity in Porous Media#
Gas phase Darcy velocity in porous media = {yes | no}
Description / Usage#
This post-processing option will lead to the explicit calculation and storage of the Darcy velocity components in the gas phase, viz. the velocity of the gas phase due to gas-phase pressure gradients. This option is only available for POROUS_TWO_PHASE media types (cf. Media Type card). The velocity components appear in the output EXODUS II file as the nodal variables Darcy_Vel_g_0, Darcy_Vel_g_1 and Darcy_Vel_g_2.
The permissible values for this postprocessing option are:
yes |
Calculate the gas-phase Darcy velocity components and write to the output EXODUSII file. |
no |
Do not calculate the gas phase velocity components. |
This input example turns on calculation of the gas phase velocity components:
Gas phase Darcy velocity in porous media =yes
Technical Discussion#
The gas-phase Darcy velocity is given by the extended Darcy law, which accounts for the relative reduced flow due to the presence of another phase, viz.

Here \(\nu_g\) represents the Darcy flux, or Darcy velocity, in the gas phase, k is the permeability of the porous medium, \(k_g\) is the relative permeabilities for the gas and liquid phases respectively, \(\mu_g\) are the gas viscosity, \(p_g\) is the pressure in the gas phase, and g is the gravitational force vector. \(\rho_g\) is the density of the gas phase and is equal to the sum of the partial densities of air and solvent vapor,

GT-009.3: GOMA’s Capabilities for Partially Saturated Flow in Porous Media, September 1, 2002, P. R. Schunk