Mesh Stress Tensor#

Mesh Stress Tensor = {yes | no}

Description / Usage#

The mesh stress tensor is associated with the equations of elasticity. The stress tensor has six entries (in three dimensions, because it is symmetric) called T11, T22, T33, T12, T13, and T23 in the output EXODUS II file.

The permissible values for this postprocessing option are:


Calculate the mesh stress tensor and write to output EXODUS II file.


Do not calculate the mesh stress tensor.


The following sample card turns on the writing of the stress tensor to the EXODUS II file:

Mesh Stress Tensor = yes

Technical Discussion#

The defining constitutive equations for these stresses can be found in the description for the Solid Constitutive Equation card. This option applies to all solid-material types (see Mesh Motion card), viz. TOTAL_ALE, LAGRANGIAN, ARBITRARY, DYNAMIC_LAGRANGIAN. In the TOTAL_ALE and ARBITRARY mesh motion types, the mesh stress is exactly that and not the true stress of the material. For TOTAL_ALE mesh motion types, use Real Solid Stress Tensor option to get the true solid material stresses.


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