Viscosity Diffusivity#

Viscosity Diffusivity = {model_name} <species> <float>

Description / Usage#

This card is used to specify Dr when the model in the Diffusivity card is HYDRO. Definitions of the input parameters follow for the {model_name} options CONSTANT and LINEAR based on the model:



Name of the model for a constant curvature diffusivity.

  • <species> - An integer designating the species equation.

  • <float> - Dμ when there is no concentration dependency.


Name of the model in which the diffusivity is a linear function of concentration.

  • <species> - an integer designating the species equation.

  • <float> - kμ when the diffusivity is a linear function of concentration.


The following is a sample input card:

Viscosity Diffusivity = CONSTANT 0 0.

Technical Discussion#

Please refer to the technical discussion given under HYDRO section of the Diffusivity card.


No References.