Level Set Subelement Integration#
Level Set Subelement Integration = {ON | YES | OFF | NO}
Description / Usage#
Subelement integration is used to improve integration accuracy for all functions which invoke a sharp level-set interface. Note here that the Level Set Length Scale option must be zero. This is possible because the subelement integration scheme actually produces a geometric representation of the zero level set surface on which exact line integrals of the surface tension source term term can be peformed. Please see usage nodes below.
- {ON | YES}
Use subelement integration on surface level set capillary term.
- {OFF | NO}
Don’t use subelement integration.
This example invokes the subelement integration
Level Set Subelement Integration = ON
Technical Discussion#
NOTE: Level Set Length Scale must be set to zero.
Because of the construction of an in-element interface meshing to find this representation, subelement integration cannot be used currently for three dimensional problems. Subgrid integration can be, however, but it is inefficient.
Best to use this integration approach with the property specification method of “Second Level-Set “property_name”, e.g. Second Level Set Density, etc.
Typically this capability greatly improves mass conservation and avoids parasitics for surface tension dominated problems.
NOTE that the Level Set Renormalization method must be set to Huygens.
GT-020.1: Tutorial on Level Set Interface Tracking in GOMA, February 27, 2001, T.A. Baer