Lower Velocity Function Constants#
Lower Velocity Function Constants = {model_name} <floatlist>
Description / Usage#
This card takes the specification of the Lower-wall velocity function for the confined channel lubrication capability, or the lub_p equation. This function specifies the velocity of the Lower channel wall as a function of time. Currently two models for {model_name} are permissible:
This model invokes a squeeze/separation velocity uniformly across the entire material region, viz. the two walls are brought together/apart at a constant rate. This option requires two floating point values
This model implements a spatially-uniform velocity in the x-direction that is specified as a polynomial in time. The value of time may be scaled by a given scaling factor and the polynomial may have an unlimited number of terms.

This model invokes a wall velocity which corresponds to a rolling-motion. This model takes nine constants ???? :
This model allows a unique specification of tangential motion in a lubrication shell element. Previous implementations allowed specification only in terms of coordinate direction, but this option can be used to rotate a cylinder. Five floats are required
Following is a sample card:
Lower Velocity Function Constants = CONSTANT {v_x= -0.001} {vy=0.00} {vz=0}
This card results in an Lower wall speed of -0.001 in the x-direction which is tangential to the substrate, thus generating a Couette component to the flow field.
Technical Discussion#
For non-curved shell meshes, most of the time they are oriented with the x-, y-, or zplane. This card is aimed at applying a tangential motion to that plane, and so one of the three components is usually zero.