Pure Species Chemical Potential#

Pure Species Chemical Potential = {model_name} <integer>

Description / Usage#

This card takes the specification of the standard state chemical potential, which is defined as a function of temperature only, and completes the definition of the pure species chemical potential by possibly adding in a pressure dependence. Two model values are permissible:


No pressure dependence to the pure species state when this value of {model_name} is specified. The standard state chemical potential is equal to the pure species chemical potential. The <integer> argument specifies the species subindex, k.


The following expression holds for the pressure dependence:

μk*(T, P) μ= k, o(T) + RTln(P ⁄ 1 atm )

The <integer> argument specifies the species subindex, k.

The standard state chemical potential, μk, o(T), which is defined to be only a function of the temperature, is used in the evaluation of the definition of the pure species chemical potential of species k, μk*(T, P) , which in turn is used in the evaluation of the mixture chemical potential of species k, μk (T P Xi).


Following is a sample card:

Pure Species Chemical Potential = PRESSURE INDEPENDENT 0

Technical Discussion#

The values in this card are only applicable to the IS_EQUIL_PSEUDORXN boundary condition currently.


No References.