Porosity = {model_name} <float1> [float2]
Description / Usage#
This card is used to specify the porosity model for the anode or separator or cathode region in a thermal battery cell.
Definitions of the {model_name} and the associated input parameters (<float>) are as follows:
A sample input card for this material property might look like this:
Porosity = THERMAL_BATTERY 0.244 8.1185
Technical Discussion#
This is a porosity model for a special application in which the model for the diffusion constitutive equation is STEFAN_MAXWELL_CHARGED, which enables modeling the transport of multiple charged species with simultaneous electrochemical reaction(s) in a concentrated solution, as in a thermal-battery cell.
See the reference below for a discussion of Thermal Battery modeling with Goma.
SAND2000-0207: Final Report on LDRD Project: A Phenomenological Model for Multicomponent Transport with Simultaneous Electrochemical Reactions in Concentrated Solutions, K. S. Chen, G. H. Evans, R. S. Larson, D. R. Noble and W. G. Houf, January 2000.