Porous Gas Diffusivity#
Porous Gas Diffusivity = {model_name} <integer> <float_list> [L2/t]
Description / Usage#
This card sets the model for the porous gas diffusivity, or the diffusion coefficient for diffusive species flux in the gas phase of a porous medium. It is applicable to media types POROUS_UNSATURATED and POROUS_TWO_PHASE (see Media Type card).
Definitions of the input options for {model_name} and the <integer> and <float> parameters fro each model are as follows:
CONSTANT <integer> <float1> |
the name for the constant diffusivity model.
POROUS <integer> <float1> <float2> <float3> <float4> <float5> |
the name for a microstructure dependent porous medium model.
For two-phase or unsaturated flow in a porous medium, the diffusivity calculated by this model is the diffusivity of solvent vapor through the gas phase in the pore-space (see Martinez, 1995).
Porous Gas Diffusivity = POROUS 0 1.e-5 0.5 1.e+6 25.0 3
See the equation below for the diffusivity model that this card represents.
Technical Discussion#
The generalized flux of liquid phase solvent, in both gas and liquid phases, contains a term that accounts for diffusion of the liquid solvent species as gas vapor (see references below). That flux is as follows:

If the media type is POROUS_TWO_PHASE, this expression is divided by

and if in addition it is temperature dependent, this expression is multiplied by

GT-008.2: Porous Media Capabilities/Tutorial for GOMA. User Guidance for Saturated Porous Penetration Problems, August 11, 1999, P. R. Schunk
GT-009.3: GOMA’s Capabilities for Partially Saturated Flow in Porous Media, September 1, 2002, P. R. Schunk
SAND94-0379: “Formulation and Numerical Analysis of Nonisothermal Multiphase Flow in Porous Media”, Sandia Technical Report, Martinez, M. J., 1995
SAND96-2149: Drying in Deformable Partially-Saturated Porous Media: Sol-Gel Coatings, Cairncross, R. A., P. R. Schunk, K. S. Chen, S. S. Prakash, J. Samuel, A. J. Hurd and C. Brinker (September 1996)