EQ = energy {Galerkin_wt} T {Interpol_fnc} <floatlist>
Description / Usage#
This card provides information for solving a conservation of energy differential equation. Definitions of the input parameters are defined below. Note that <floatlist> contains five constants for the Energy equation defining the constant multipliers for each term in the equation. The Galerkin weight and the interpolation function must be the same for the code to work properly. If upwinding is desired for advection dominated problems, we can set this through a Petrov-Galerkin weight function in the material file.
energy |
Name of the equation to be solved. |
{Galerkin_wt} |
Two- or four-character value that defines the type of weighting function for this equation, where:
T |
Name of the variable associated with this equation. |
{Interpol_fnc} |
Two- or four-character value that defines the interpolation function used to represent the variable T, where:
<float1> |
Multiplier on mass matrix term ( d ⁄dt ). |
<float2> |
Multiplier on advective term. |
<float3> |
Multiplier on boundary term ( \(\underline{n}\) • flux ). |
<float4> |
Multiplier on diffusion term. |
<float5> |
Multiplier on source term. |
Note: These multipliers are intended to provide a means of activating or deactivating terms of an equation, and hence should be set to zero or one. If a multiplier is zero, the section of code that evaluates the corresponding term will be skipped.
The following is a sample card that uses a linear continuous interpolation and weight function and has all the term multipliers on except the mass matrix term for time derivatives:
EQ = energy Q1 T Q1 0. 1. 1. 1. 1.
Technical Discussion#
Some discussion on the XFEM-type enriched basis functions Q1_XV, Q1_GN, Q1_GP, Q2_GN, Q2_GP and Q2_XV is in order. First of all, these basis functions are to be use with the level-set front tracking capability only. First of all, these basis functions are typically only used for the continuity equation to capture pressure jumps due to surface tension. However, for phase change problems some experimentation has been pursued with the energy equation.
XFEM Value Enrichment

Related “Ghost” Enrichment:

This enrichment function allows discontinuity in value and gradient along interface but maintains continuity at element edges/faces. Appears to be method of choice for Pressure discontinuity. Produces interface integral for terms integrated by parts that allows for specifying a weak integrated conditions. This is needed in the laser welding heat transfer problem.