*************** **vort_lambda** *************** :: EQ = vort_lambda {Galerkin_wt} VLAMBDA {Interpol_fnc} ----------------------- **Description / Usage** ----------------------- This card provides information for solving a differential equation for the vorticity direction. Definitions of the input parameters are defined below; there are no input parameters for this equation. The Galerkin weight and the interpolation function must be the same for the code to work properly. +---------------+----------------------------------------------------------+ |**vort_lamda** |Name of the equation to be solved. | +---------------+----------------------------------------------------------+ |{Galerkin_wt} |Two-character value that defines the type of weighting | | |function for this equation, where: | | | | | | * **Q1**-Linear | | | * **Q2**-Quadratic | +---------------+----------------------------------------------------------+ |**VLAMBDA** |Name of the variable associated with this equation. | +---------------+----------------------------------------------------------+ |{Interpol_fnc} |Two-character value that defines the interpolation | | |function used to represent the variable **VLAMBDA**, | | |where: | | | | | | * **Q1**-Linear Continuous | | | * **Q2**-Quadratic Continuous | +---------------+----------------------------------------------------------+ ------------ **Examples** ------------ No Examples. ------------------------- **Technical Discussion** ------------------------- This equation type is used for a research capability involving the flows of suspensions in curvilinear coordinates and is not currently being used for production computations.