************** AVERAGE ************** :: AVERAGE = {average_type} ----------------------- Description / Usage ----------------------- The AVERAGE card calculates average values at nodes and outputs to the Exodus file. Definitions of the input parameters are as follows: Several choices are available: * **EM** Total electromagnetic wave, 6 fields (real and imaginary of 3 field vector) * **EMSCAT** Scattered electromagnetic wave (Total - Incident), 6 fields (real and imaginary of 3 field vector) * **EMINC** Incident electromagnetic wave, 6 fields (real and imaginary of 3 field vector) * **EM_MAG** Total electromagnetic wave magnitude, 1 field * **EM_SCAT_MAG** Scattered electromagnetic wave magnitude, 1 field * **EM_INC_MAG** Incident electromagnetic wave magnitude, 1 field * **TEMPERATURE** Temperature * **VISCOSITY** Viscosity The species number for **SPECIES_MASS**, usually 0 ------------ **Examples** ------------ :: Post Processing Averages = AVERAGE = EM 0 AVERAGE = EMSCAT 0 AVERAGE = EMINC 0 AVERAGE = EM_INC_MAG 0 AVERAGE = EM_MAG 0 AVERAGE = EM_SCAT_MAG 0 END OF AVERAGES ------------------------- **Technical Discussion** ------------------------- -------------- **References** -------------- No References.