***************************** **Number of Phase Functions** ***************************** :: Number of phase functions = {integer} ----------------------- **Description / Usage** ----------------------- Activates generalized phase function capability. Currently, the number of phase functions cannot exceed five. Phase function fields are essentially identical to level set fields, but more than one can be activated for various purposes. Please see technical discussion below. ------------ **Examples** ------------ A sample input card is: :: Number of phase functions = 1 ------------------------- **Technical Discussion** ------------------------- Various uses of the phase function approach have been explored. To track multiple interface types from multiple fluids requires more than one level-set field. This capability can also be deployed for tracking imprinted solid surfaces (moving) together with capillary free surfaces. Consult the tutorials. -------------- **References** -------------- GT-026.3 GOMA’s Overset Mesh Method: User Tutorial, November 19 2003. P. R. Schunk and E. D. Wilkes