******************************* Jacobian Reform Time Stride ******************************* :: Jacobian Reform Time Stride = ----------------------- Description / Usage ----------------------- This optional card has a single input parameter: **k,** the stride length for Jacobian reformations ( :math:`k \geq 1` ). The *Jacobian Reform Time Stride* card is optional; there is no default. ------------ Examples ------------ Three examples are provided to illustrate how to use this card. Example #1: :: Number of Newton Iterations = 12 1 Modified Newton Tolerance = 1.9 0.1 Jacobian Reform Time Stride = 2 Newton correction factor = 1 This will reform the Jacobian every 2 steps. Furthermore, if the convergence rate falls below 1.9 or the L\ :sub:`1` residual is greater than 0.1 on an off-stride step a Jacobian reformation will occur. Specifically, the*Modified Newton Tolerance* takes precedence over a reformation stride setting (from either *Number of Newton Iterations or Jacobian Reform Time Stride*). Example #2: :: Number of Newton Iterations = 12 1 # Modified Newton Tolerance = 1.9 0.1 Jacobian Reform Time Stride = 2 Newton correction factor = 1 Note this differs from the previous example only by omitting the *Modified Newton Tolerance* card. This causes the Jacobian to be reformed every other time step. Example #3: :: Number of Newton Iterations = 12 2 # Modified Newton Tolerance = 1.9 0.1 Jacobian Reform Time Stride = 1 Newton correction factor = 1 We’ve changed the *Jacobian Reform Time Stride* from 2 to 1 and changed the second parameter of the *Number of Newton Iterations* card from 1 to 2. This will cause the Jacobian to be reformed every other step. ------------------------- Technical Discussion ------------------------- If the second parameter on the *Number of Newton Iterations* card is present and greater than 1, this *Jacobian Reform Time Stride* card is ignored. Otherwise, this card simply forces the Jacobian to be rebuilt every **k** Newton steps. Often, this card will allow you to speed up your runs by foregoing a fresh Jacobian formation, but still maintain strong convergence. Moreover, without a Jacobian formation, the **lu** solver (see the *Solution Algorithm* card) can use a previously factored matrix and simply do a resolve.