*********************** **Number of Materials** *********************** :: Number of Materials = ----------------------- **Description / Usage** ----------------------- This required card denotes how many material sections are contained in the *Problem Description File*. Each material section will have its own problem description, consisting of the following: *MAT* card, *Coordinate System* card, *Mesh Motion* card, *Number of bulk species* card, *Number of EQ* card, and zero or more equation cards. The input parameter is defined as =========== ====================================================== The number of MAT cards (i.e., material sections) that follow; this number must be greater than zero. =========== ====================================================== If there are more MAT cards than specified by , *Goma* ignores all extras (i.e., the first *Number of Materials* material sections are read). If is set to -1, *Goma* automatically counts the MAT cards between the *Number of Materials* card and the *END OF MAT* card. ------------ **Examples** ------------ Following is a sample card, indicating that there are two materials: :: Number of Materials = 2 ------------------------- **Technical Discussion** ------------------------- No Discussion. -------------- **References** -------------- No References.