******************** **Time Derivatives** ******************** :: Time Derivatives = {yes | no} ----------------------- **Description / Usage** ----------------------- This option enables writing the time derivative of all the field variables as nodal variables to the output EXODUS II file. These variables are labeled **XDOT0** (mesh velocity in x direction), **XDOT1** (mesh velocity in y direction), **XDOT2** (mesh velocity in z direction), **VDOT0** (fluid acceleration in x direction), **VDOT1** (fluid acceleration in y direction), **VDOT2** (fluid acceleration in z direction), **TDOT** (rate of temperature change), **Y0DOT** (rate of 1st species concentration change), **Y1D0T** (rate of second species concentration change), and so on. The quantities can then be contoured or displayed by some other means with a visualization or graphics package. The permissible values for this postprocessing option are: ======== =============================================== **yes** Calculate the time derivatives and write them as nodal variables in the output EXODUS II file. **no** Do not calculate the time derivatives. ======== =============================================== ------------ **Examples** ------------ The following sample card requests that time derivatives be written to the EXODUS II file: :: Time Derivatives = yes ------------------------- **Technical Discussion** ------------------------- Currently, this routine uses the values in the global vector *xdot* to report this data. During the first time step, all the *xdot* values are zero; by the second time step, these data should be realistic. -------------- **References** -------------- No References.