****************************** **Second Invariant of Strain** ****************************** :: Second Invariant of Strain = {yes | no} ----------------------- **Description / Usage** ----------------------- The strain tensor is associated with the deformation of the mesh. Its second invariant indicates the level of shear strain of the mesh. This variable is called **IIE** in the output EXODUS II file. The permissible values for this postprocessing option are: ======== =============================================== **yes** Calculate the second invariant. **no** Do not calculate the second invariant. ======== =============================================== ------------ **Examples** ------------ Following is a sample card: :: Second Invariant of strain = yes ------------------------- **Technical Discussion** ------------------------- The second invariant is computed in *Goma* as .. figure:: /figures/323_goma_physics.png :align: center :width: 90% Here Einstein’s summation convention applies, viz. .. figure:: /figures/324_goma_physics.png :align: center :width: 90% .. TODO - Lines 38 and 44 are photos that need to be swapped with the equations.