********************** **Mesh Stress Tensor** ********************** :: Mesh Stress Tensor = {yes | no} ----------------------- **Description / Usage** ----------------------- The mesh stress tensor is associated with the equations of elasticity. The stress tensor has six entries (in three dimensions, because it is symmetric) called **T11, T22, T33, T12, T13,** and **T23** in the output EXODUS II file. The permissible values for this postprocessing option are: ======== =============================================== **yes** Calculate the mesh stress tensor and write to output EXODUS II file. **no** Do not calculate the mesh stress tensor. ======== =============================================== ------------ **Examples** ------------ The following sample card turns on the writing of the stress tensor to the EXODUS II file: :: Mesh Stress Tensor = yes ------------------------- **Technical Discussion** ------------------------- The defining constitutive equations for these stresses can be found in the description for the *Solid Constitutive Equation* card. This option applies to all solid-material types (see *Mesh Motion* card), viz. *TOTAL_ALE, LAGRANGIAN, ARBITRARY, DYNAMIC_LAGRANGIAN*. In the *TOTAL_ALE* and *ARBITRARY* mesh motion types, the mesh stress is exactly that and not the true stress of the material. For *TOTAL_ALE* mesh motion types, use Real Solid Stress Tensor option to get the true solid material stresses. -------------- **References** -------------- No References.