*************** **Lame LAMBDA** *************** :: Lame LAMBDA = {yes | no} ----------------------- **Description / Usage** ----------------------- This option allows you to plot the Lame LAMDA mechanical property, which is written to the *Output EXODUS II* file as the variable **LAMBDA**. This is a useful feature for temperature dependent mechanical properties and the like. Contouring this variable **LAMBDA** over the domain can be useful in explaining some physical phenomena. The permissible values for this postprocessing option are: ======== =============================================== **yes** Calculate the Lame LAMBDA and output as a nodal variable in the Output EXODUS II file. **no** Do not calculate the the coefficient (default). ======== =============================================== ------------ **Examples** ------------ The following sample card requests **LAMBDA** be written to the EXODUS II file: :: Lame LAMBDA = yes ------------------------- **Technical Discussion** ------------------------- No Discussion. -------------- **References** -------------- No References.